The Scottish Hockey Awards for the 2023/2024 season were held at the Old Fruit Market, Glasgow on Friday 7 February. On the night, Dumfries Hockey Club won the award for The Community Club of the Year (an award sponsored by Grays-hockey) for
“having such a tremendous impact on the local community.” Club Vice President, James Aitken was present at the Award Ceremony, and commented: The Club are delighted to be
recognised in this way and without the countless hours that volunteers put in this would not be possible. The dedication and passion that our volunteers demonstrate on a consistent basis is astounding. Without them we are nothing. Also, we would like to thank and recognise our sponsors who have supported us, and the Community within which we operate. The club has the motto #HockeyFam and this one of our guiding principles - we are one big family pulling in the same direction with the aim of growing the sport of hockey. Although, we do not do this for recognition, when it happens it is something to be celebrated.
The trophy safely made its way back to DHC HQ and is currently on a tour around the club and wider region so keep your eyes peeled!